The right spices for the best moments

On a cookery course evening Sebi Singh introduces you with the world of the Indian spices. Afterwards you cook a three course dinner together: a starter, two curries with side dish and a dessert. Fine smells, interesting explanations, nice chats and a delicious meal are all part of the experience. We offer evenings with chicken, lamb, prawns or pulse as a main course.

The following Monday or Thuesday evenings are reserved after 7pm for cookery courses in German:

Thusday, 3. Dezember vegan (full)

Those courses are in German. But you can attend them also when you are not so fit in German yet!
The course evening costs Fr. 110.-- p.p. incl. material and drinks without alcohol
Every course takes place with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 participants.
Certainly you can also book a private cookery course or a cooking team event! For more information, just give us a call: 0041 (0)32 682 63 03.
